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The Chronicle - Our Journal

Here you will find links to the current and recent versions of our Journal, which we call "The Chronicle"


This is published twice yearly and also provides some introductory material for those who are 'New to Jung' as well as a link to some resources for those who wish to deepen their understanding of Jung's work.



 Current Issue, No. 13

September 2022

This Edition looks at Alchemical Metaphor and the Influence of the Cultural Unconscious on the process of Individuation. Discusses how ideas on Individuation (Jung) & Self-Actualisation (Maslow) relate to each other. There is a review of The Power of Creativity and how it provides the nurturing of our imagination. 


 Current Issue, No. 12

September 2021

This Edition, explores the Dr Susannah Self's process of composing her fifth symphony, inspired by The Red Book during lockdown. Richard Bardwell remembers  a meeting with Marie Louise von Franz. Remembering Jack Herbert and his work.


Issue, No. 11

December 2020

This Edition looks at Jung's work with the reflection of living in current times. It also remembers Michael Gould and his work


Issue, No. 10

June 2020

This Edition reflects on life in COVID pandemic times and continues to explore our attitudes  towards the Environmental Crises.


Issue, No. 9

November 2019

This Edition marks the start of a year, possibly more, in which we wish to make the world more aware of the possible impact of Jung's Teachings on our attitudes towards our Environmental Crisis. The Sculpture is by our Events Secretary Lorna McNeur. There are also articles on this subject by Gill Brown, Richard Barwell, and some thoughts by Gordon Blythe on one of the Essays that was submitted which is relevant to Climate Change.

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Issue, No. 8

June 2019

This edition carries the winning entry from the Essay prize and the  essays from the joint Runners-Up. It also includes articles by the Sponsor, The Chair of the Adjudication Panel and others.


Issue No, 7

November 2018

Remembering Roland Hindmarsh, The Symbolic Life, Archetypal Penetrance in a Hospice, and Mandalas, Altered States of Consciusness, Poetry, Living, The Garden Party


Issue No. 6

June 2018

Love and Death, Salomé and her veils, Jung and the Spiritual Quest, Projection, Poetry and Art, An overview of our Small Groups


Issue No. 5

November 2017

Thomas Rochford - Articles of Faith, Mandalas, Jung on Sexuality, Growth,Blast from the Past, Triggering the Shadow.  Poetry and Artwork.


Issue No. 4

June 2017

Circling the Solstice, The Dreaming Bodymind, The Society for Psychical Research in Cambridge, Jung and Architecture, Is the Collective Unconscious becoming Conscious?, Poetry by Simon Howes, Gill Brown ,Anne Eberhardie and Neil White ....

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Issue No. 3: Trust in Nature

November 2016

Rita I’Ons - On the Comma Butterfly. Pantea Lotfian - the Divination Card Group, Simon Howes - Eulogy; The Unseens Hands of Gods, Gordon Blyth -Jung and T.S. Eliot, Judy Hanmer - Do we think of Jung as a Guru?. Jane Earle- Dancing with Hares; Who is a Patient?  and more ....

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Issue No. 2: Tending the Next Generation

May 2016

Jane Earle - Willing Hands. Prudence Jones - Jung and the English, Richard Barwell - Fresh to Jung, Creative Arts Group, Gordon Blyth - Jung and Woman, Judy Hanmer - Carl Jung, a Man of Contradictions. Thomas Rochford - The Alchemy of the Mosque

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Issue No. 1

November 2015

The First Issue. Richard Barlow - the Shadow of he Shadow. Joan Snedden, Gordon Blythe on Life After Death, Jean Clark- What Jung has meant to me, Neil White- Attraction to Jung, Judy Hanmer, Janet Corr, and more

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