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Members: Videos of Plenaries 2023-2024

Susan Rowland Moderating Jungian Scholar & Author 16 Sept 2023

F. Brewster Jungian Analyst & D.Turner Psychotherapist Dreams Workshop 14 Oct 2023 WORKSHOP NOT RECORDED

"Archetypes of Place & Planet" 18 Nov 2023

"The Living Classroom" Energetic Resonance and Fields of Consciousness in Groups 20 January 2024

"Jung and Kundalini: Reaching for the Core of the Mountain" 17 February 2024

Jungian Scholar & Author "Many Faces of the Animus" from her recent book, Animus, Psyche and Culture 27 April 2024

Jungian Analyst "Mythical Beasts: Imagination in Dreams" 18 May 2024

Jungian Analyst "Aspects of Soul and Spirit in Jungian analysis and the world" 14 June 2024 VIDEO NOT YET AVAILABLE
Members: Videos of Plenaries 2022-2023

Jung, Frye, and William Blake: Creativity and the Unconscious 16 Sep 2022 William Blake, one of the first figures in western art and literature to have invented his own mythology, has long been appreciated by Jungian commentators and psychotherapists as an artist working in the tradition of archetypes. Jung's own relationship to the work of Blake was more complex.

The Black Madonna 07 Oct 2022 In the past few decades, Black Madonnas have become re-discovered as powerful catalysts of psychological transformation. Through history, myth, music, and experiential writing, we will explore Black Madonnas of Europe from cross cultural, mythological, alchemical, and depth psychology perspectives.

Racial Legacies: Jung, Politics and Culture 18 Nov 2022 Book Review: "This is a brilliant and creative piece of work that examines raciality from an Africanist and White perspective. It is also an act of empowerment and response to Jung excising the black experience." Review by Rossanna Echegoyén: LCSW, Founder and Co-Chair of the Committee for Race and Ethnicity at the Manhattan Institute for Psychoanalysis

History, Tragedy, Comedy, Futurity: Drama and Jungian Theories of Childhood, Contemporary Fiction 20 Jan 2023 Through texts drawn from four genres (history, tragedy, comedy and futurity), Andy will explore how Jung’s concepts of the inherited complex, the shadow, the inner or eternal child and the collective unconscious respectively are dramatised and challenged in these artefacts of the contemporary cultural consciousness.

Decolonising Psyche Through Dreams 04 Feb 2023 WORKSHOP NOT RECORDED Decolonisation involves more than the toppling of statues and ridding ourselves of systemic practices (patriarchal, racist, gender). How has colonisation impacted upon ourselves at an unconscious level; in our psyche and dreamscapes? Practitioners & All explorers welcome

The Art of Dying: No more Doom & Gloom 17 Feb 2023 Death itself is coloured with an aura of doom and gloom ... in our culture and society. My own personal experience is 100% different. A life-threatening illness in my twenties and out-of-the-body near-death experiences, introduced me to the absolute beauty and loving-kindness of the cosmos.

Ancestral Healing in Practice 17 Mar 2023

British Mythical Past: Dreams & Journeying 14 Apr 2023

A Feminist Revision of Jung & Jungian Art-Based Research Friday 19 May 2023 C. G. Jung is no feminist. He had no interest in the restrictive conventions of his social world changing to include women as full subjects. Indeed, he made silly remarks about women in his Collected Works, because he collapsed his notion of the feminine in men, the anima, into unsubstantiated opinions of the “true nature” of women. Like Freud, he also mistook sexuality as a developmental issue when
Members: Videos of Plenaries 2021-2022

'Red' Book Symphony 17 Sep 2021 A musical response to The Red Book. One of my lock down projects has been to compose RED, my 5th symphony inspired by The Red Book in concert with painting a series of 4 large canvases. Like the composer Schoneberg, I thrive on this syncreting interface.

Alchemy: Healing the Neglected Soul 15 Oct 2021 Psychoanalyst, Author, Historian, World Renowned international lecturer. 'Alchemy flows beneath the surface of Western civilisation like a river of gold, (helping us to ) understand our presence on this planet better than we do. Alchemy is the rainbow bridge between human and the divine .."

Alchemy & Dreams: Privilege & Otherness 26 Nov 2021 We explore the internalised experience of privilege and otherness and the internalised racism, sexism and homophobia, etc... especially through the language of dreams.

"Screen & Soul" 15 Jan 2022 Is online working less 'real' than meeting in person? Or is our experience of reality actually more 'virtual' than we think?

Racial Hybridity: Jungian & Post Jungian Perspectives 18 Feb 2022 This talk explores some possible contributions analytical psychology may make to theorising racial hybridity. In particular, Lu critically reflects on his hopes, fears, and fantasies that may in turn act as springboard.

Mythology & Modern Life: Archetype of Change 18 Mar 2022 Explores the late Octavia Butler's work, who in the 1990's envisions the sort of fear that permeates contemporary culture, dominated by Covid, rising Fascism, and Climate Crisis; engendering 'end of the world' fears & fantasies, globally in society.

Inner and Outer Democracy: Healing our Polarised World 22 Apr 2022 In this lecture Dr. Kalsched will describe a totalitarian of fascistic inner 'system' of archetypal defensive powers typical of the dissociative psychology found in survivors of early trauma, and will contrast this with the more democratic conflict psychology found in more integrated individuals.

Soul of the City: When Central Park Heals New York City 20 May 2022 Discovery of the plan of Manhattan embodied in the plan of Central Park; which has huge implications for the health and welfare of the city. The journey charts Manhattan's memory of life as a Native American sacred ceremonial island called Manatus, to current day Manhattan, proposing a memorial for Manatus and her beloved Peoples. The story of Manhattan is a microcosm of the story of planet earth, and has a global message.
Members: Videos of Plenaries 2020-2021

Hildegard Illuminations, Jung & The Red Book Friday 18th SEPT 2020 Carl Jung and Hildegard of Bingen were both powerful mystics whose connection to transpersonal forces led them to boldly embrace unconventional lives of healing and wholeness. Jung's visionary experiences in the 20th century became the basis for his celebrated Red Book from which all of his later theories on depth psychology emerged.

Synchronicity as Cultural Critique Friday 16 Oct 2020 Jung developed the concept of synchronicity as part of his critique of the cultural condition of his day, which he saw as characterised by excessive rationalism in science, loss of a sense of the sacred, and social mass-mindedness—a condition that could be aptly described in terms of Weber’s notion of disenchantment.

Towards an Ecopsychotherapy Friday 20th Nov 2020 In this talk I share some stories from the consulting room of deep love, attachment and loss in our relationships with the nonhuman world.

The Racial Complex Friday 15th Jan 2021 In The Racial Complex: A Jungian Perspective on Culture and Race, Dr Brewster revisits and examines Jung’s classical writing on the theory of complexes, relating it directly to race in modern society.

Memories, Dreams, Reflections: A Symphony Analysis of Composing a Symphony Friday 19th Feb 2021 Jung’s autobiography Memories, Dreams, Reflections is a challenging crucible in which to contextualise my love of Jung's thought, within music. I focussed on the chapter "Visions" in which Jung recounts his near-death experience from a heart attack.

The Ancestors Friday 12 Mar 2021 This talk considers the unconscious patterns which run through families and generations of families, as one generation inherits, responds and reacts to the complexes and archetypal energies of the previous generation – and even of the generation before that – parents, grandparents and beyond.. Image: Israhel van Meckenem - Ornament with the Tree of Jesse, 1480–90 With kind permission of The Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism

Lilith: Culture and Diversity Friday, 16th Apr 2021 ric Neumann has famously written about the "fear of the feminine"' But "fear of" is not something usually associated with the feminine, which has been and still is regarded as inferior and lacking authority in most cultures.

Philemon, Ka, and The Emergence of The Creative Spirit in Jung's Red Book and Art 1919-1923; Some Reflections Saturday Workshop Sat 22 May 2021 In my workshop/seminar, I identify several previously unrecognised representations of two of Jung’s most important personifications, the ‘dominant fathers’ Philemon and Ka. Video available upon member's request.
Members: Videos of Plenaries 2019-2020

Salomé: The Antidote 20 September 2019 How Jung's Red Book can provide an antidote for a world out of balance

Healing Power of Images 18 October 2019 From time immemorial human beings have expressed themselves not only through language, but through images. Visual expression is natural to our experience of ourselves, each other, and the world we inhabit

Regression Therapy 17 January 2020 How regression to the past can bring freedom in the future.

Jung and Today's World 21 February 2020 Our world in 2020 from a Jungian viewpoint.

Our Disconnected World 17 April 2020 The presentation considers, whether the numinous power of particular myths to guide us is relative to time and culture, whether we might be going through a time of a waning of these two myths, prior to a new myth emerging.

Dangers and Opportunites 15 May 2020 Jung tried to use his evolving psychological model to understand world crises in the twentieth century.
Members: Videos of Plenaries 2018-2019

Buried Treasure 20 September 2018 There is a journey that we are called to take: Dreams stirring in the Unconscious offer to lead us on the quest to find a great and mysterious wealth. In the search for buried treasure we will travel with the Peddlar of Swaffham into an exploration of what we might discover when we listen to the dream

Dance of Light 19th October 2018 Rhea presents two pioneering, interdisciplinary, fine art films whose goal is to contribute towards deepening our relationship with nature and caring for it

The Alchemy of the Mosque 18th January 2019 A Mosque as an Alchemical engine of Transformation

Spirit of the fertile Sea 22 February 2019 An analysis of the Mallorcan Folktale of the Dolphin, the Spirit of the Fertile Sea

Emotional Expression 15 March 2019 On how creativity can bring about emotional expression, healing and freedom

Bells of Eternity 26 April 2019 Some insights into the music of Arvo Pärt from a Jungian perspective

What happened in Eden 21 June 2019 The story from the viewpoint of each of the four participants